Dr. Louis Brown Ogbeifun

Accredited Mediator | Certified Professional Manager and Trainer in Workplace Conflicts


Safeguarding Democracy: The Vital Role of an Independent Press and Judiciary in Resisting Political Coercion

When the press and the judiciary succumb to the political class’s coercive measures and inducements, the very fabric of democracy risks disintegration. This underscores the urgent need for our collective vigilance, uniting us in our commitment to safeguard our democratic principles. The independence of the press and judiciary is not just a concept but a crucial element that keeps us informed and ensures that no one is left behind in this vital task.

As the consciences of the masses and voices of the voiceless, the press and the judiciary must steer clear of the ‘yes-sayers.’ These individuals see no issue with a government that has strayed from its mandates. Our vigilance as citizens is not just necessary but a powerful tool. Our active participation in the electoral process is crucial to preserving our democracy. However, we can take comfort in the fact that a section of the press is still very active and unwavering globally.

Grace and peace!!!