Dr. Louis Brown Ogbeifun

Accredited Mediator | Certified Professional Manager and Trainer in Workplace Conflicts


The Power of Forgiveness: Mandela’s Legacy and the Path to Healing Nigeria’s Divisions

If Mandela had not forgiven those who sent him on incarceration to Robben Island and decided to open a communication channel with the apartheid Lords, Mandela would possibly have died in jail, and perhaps the democracy as it is in South Africa under the ANC would have taken a longer time to materialize.

His words resonate with the power of forgiveness, ‘Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build nations. Walking out of the door to my freedom, I knew that if I didn’t leave all the anger, hatred, and resentment behind me, I would still be a prisoner.'(From Mandela’s Biography, Long Walk To Freedom.) This is a testament to the personal growth and strength of forgiveness, a crucial element in our journey towards a better society.

If Jesus did not forgive the people who tortured him to death and asked His Father to forgive those who chose criminals in his place, perhaps the Christianity we know today would be preaching an eye-for-an-eye philosophy that would leave humanity blind. His act of forgiveness and his admonishment to us in our Lord’s prayer to forgive those who offend us is a powerful example of the transformative power of forgiveness, offering hope for a better future.

India’s first female prime minister, Indira Gandhi, said forgiveness is a virtue. It not only brings personal peace but also paves the way for a more harmonious and prosperous society.

Democracy is a much-prized asset that we should protect. Unfortunately, there are so many minds seeking revenge to destroy the fabric of our democracy. The destructive nature of revenge, if left unchecked, could tear apart the very fabric of our society. Because, except for peacebuilders, what I see on the horizon is terrifying.

Until Nigerians learn to forgive and embrace love for one another, realize that they can no longer control what yesterday heaped at us, and rise to plan how to respond to the hurts of yesterday in love and forgiveness, it will be difficult to remain under Nigeria’s umbrella, which has been ripped open in many places by the storms of hatred. With its healing nature, forgiveness offers comfort in times of turmoil, such as we have today, and provides a path toward a brighter future.

Grace and peace!!!