Dr. Louis Brown Ogbeifun

Accredited Mediator | Certified Professional Manager and Trainer in Workplace Conflicts


Uncovering the Truth: Investigating Allegations of Missing Funds in the 2024 Appropriation Act

In a country where citizens are facing multidimentional poverty, a Senator who should know has claimed that N3.7 trillion in the 2024 Appropriation Act are not traceable or linked to any project. Is this allegation not worth of interrogating or investigating?

If I were the Senate President, I would refer the matter to the appropriate committee and get the allegations investigated. Where Senator Ningi is found to have not told the whole truth, he will be sanctioned.

Let partisan politics not sweep this grievous allegation under the carpet. We should stop these hemorrhaging points. The President needs every kobo to implement the 2024 budget.

Grace and peace!!!