Dr. Louis Brown Ogbeifun

Accredited Mediator | Certified Professional Manager and Trainer in Workplace Conflicts


Exploring Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) and Society’s Changing Norms

The term body integrity identity disorder (BIID) describes a phenomenon in which a healthy person desires to remove his or her body part, like chopping off an arm to become an amputee or asking surgeons to remove part of the spinal cord to become a paralytic. On the other side are those asking surgeons for sexual reassignment or realignment with the gender they felt they should have been born with.

Most of these people operate under the precincts of human rights and constitutional provisions. It is incredible how we watch the world around us and our cultural heritages collapse. For example, a lady sued her parents for bringing her into the world without her consent. Somebody got his arm amputated because he felt trapped in an amputee’s body. Someone also deliberately removed her eyes because, in her view, she would have been born blind. Soon, parents would need to inquire from the unborn babies through ultrasound whether they would wish to be parented by them. If readings prove that the babies decline to be born, they will be aborted. What a life we now face! Where is the world headed?

We are gradually edging towards an era where anyone campaigning against LGBTQ shall be denied visas to any part of the EU. We may think it is not our portion in Nigeria. Extreme denial! They are here with us already. Children in primary and secondary schools are already getting inducted into deadly occultic practices. Drug addiction is on the increase, and incidents of psycho-social depressive disorders are on the rise.

The person who got surgeons to remove her eyes to become deliberately blind or deliberately amputate his arm would earn disability welfare packages from their governments for life. So they do not need to work to earn a living. In contrast, in Nigeria, parents and society would suffer the consequences. So, spiritual fathers, politicians, and parents must begin to plan how to rescue children from some mindsets that could backfire on all of us sooner than later. The time to act is now.

Grace and peace!!!